Banyak sekali tanggapan yang saya dengar masalah HKI menjadi polemik di Indonesia. Mungkin dokumen dari WORLD BANK ini bisa membantu anda sebagai pencerahan dalam mengkaji/melakukan kegiatan yang berbasis HKI di daerah-daerah di Indonesia. Download link ada disini (klik)
Daftar isi:
1. Kuyujani Originario: The Yekuana Road to the Overall Protection of Their Rights as a People
Nelly Arvelo-Jiménez
2 Handmade in India: Traditional Craft Skills in a Changing World
Maureen Liebl and Tirthankar Roy
3 Enhancing Intellectual Property Exports through Fair Trade
Ron Layton
4 The Africa Music Project
Frank J. Penna,Monique Thormann, and J.Michael Finger
5 Preventing Counterfeit Craft Designs
Betsy J. Fowler
6 Bioprospecting Agreements and Benefit Sharing with Local Communities
Kerry ten Kate and Sarah A. Laird
7 Biopiracy and Commercialization of Ethnobotanical Knowledge
Philip Schuler
8 Prevention of Misappropriation of Intangible Cultural Heritage through Intellectual Property Laws
Daniel Wüger
9 Making Intellectual Property Laws Work for Traditional Knowledge
Coenraad J. Visser