Senin, 15 Desember 2008
John Howkins adalah penulis buku "The Creative Economy - How People Make Money from Ideas".
Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008
Are inventors born or made?
On a spring day two decades ago, I joined Nat C. Wyeth for lunch in the posh Brandywine Room of Hotel du Pont in Wilmington, Delaware. A soft-spoken man in his mid-70s, Wyeth was a giant in the chemical industry for inventing the first recyclable plastic bottle for liquids under pressure out of PET, a polymer resin. As we sat down, I noticed that the white-haired DuPont chemist seemed to bask in the artwork that adorned the room’s oak-paneled walls—and I soon understood why.
We admired the luminous Island Funeral, painted by his father and family patriarch, the illustrator Newell Convers (N.C.) Wyeth. His brother Andrew’s muted landscapes of the Eleutherian Mills countryside, site of the DuPont family’s original gunpowder factories, hung nearby. We also saw original canvases painted by his sister Carolyn and Andrew’s son, James (Jamie). I wondered how the rest of the family viewed their non-artist relation, and whether they were as proud of him as he was of them.
While this amazing vein of artistic talent running through at least three generations of the Wyeth family is widely recognized, chemist Nat Wyeth’s presence among them is little known. In choosing engineering over art, Nat became the family maverick, the only non-artist among his siblings. By the age of three, he was already playing with gadgets. Following his uncle’s advice, Nat studied mechanical engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, where he invented a 20-foot hydroplane boat that could reach 50 miles per hour. During his 40-year career at DuPont, Wyeth earned 25 patents, most notably the PET bottle. More than 10 billion PET bottles are manufactured annually.
Reportedly, his father accepted this career deviation with the comment, “An engineer is just as much an artist as a painter.” However, according to an authoritative biography, N.C. Wyeth routinely omitted Nat’s name from any account of the family’s history, so often that Nat became known only as “the Wyeth who doesn’t paint.”
Nat Wyeth had to cope not only with being outside the family’s artistic tradition, but also with a strained, and decidedly strange relationship with his father, who may have had an affair with Nat’s wife. Despite these familial difficulties, he never moved far from the Chadds Ford homestead and attempted to retain a close relationship with his father and artistic siblings.
I suspect that his lifelong familial immersion in the arts kindled his creative energies as an inventor. With its colorful and complex polymers, organic chemistry is one of the most artistic branches of chemical science. Recalling the moment of discovery, Wyeth would recall his discovery of the first successful PET bottle with pure aesthetic pleasure:
“I remember the mixture of expectation and depression I felt when we opened our molding machine. It was late in the evening, and there was little cross-light hitting the mold. After months of frustration, we had grown used to seeing blobs of resin caked on the mold, or crude shapes that looked nothing like a bottle. This time, at first glance, it looked as if the mold was empty. A closer look revealed something else—a crystal clear bottle. Since then, I have seen countless truly beautiful PET bottles. But none of them will ever be as memorable as the first.”
Nat’s career suggests that many inventors are really artists at heart. Different creative talents within a family can be mutually reinforcing. I believe that a family culture of creativity across a broad spectrum is extremely important in the nurturing of inventors.
This remarkable multi-generational display of Wyeth family talent also made me wonder if invention, too, can be handed down through generations, and about the relationship between technological and artistic invention. Artistic dynasties are far from rare. America’s Peale family rivaled the Wyeths in painterly output, while Europe has many examples, such as Brueghel the Elder and his son. Consider architects—Frank Lloyd Wright and son Lloyd Wright; Eliel and Earo Saarinen; Frederick Law Olmstead, Sr. and Jr.; musicians J.S. Bach and multiple sons; several Strauss family composers; Wynton Marsalis and family; scientists—Nobel laureate Curies, Bohrs, Braggs, the Kornbergs, and others. Even actors—the Barrymores, Redgraves, and Fondas—and sports starts—Major League Baseball players, such as outfielders Ken Griffey and Ken Griffey, Jr., and three generations of Andretti racecar drivers—for that matter.
Can the same thing be said of inventors? One might point to notable engineering families, such as the Roeblings of Brooklyn Bridge fame. The creator of Britain’s Great Western Railway, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, was the son of engineer Marc Isambard Brunel, a prolific inventor as well as engineer. Yet an important distinction needs to be drawn between engineer and inventor: the former mainly solves technological problems, while the latter creates new things.
No obvious examples of inventor dynasties come to mind. No one to my knowledge has kept systematic track of inventors begetting inventors, the way the Nobel Foundation proudly records its second-generation laureates. If anything, we tend to assume that inventive talent is not inherited at all because of a popular stereotype of inventors as one-of-a-kind, sui generis types. They are portrayed rather as ultimate sports of nature. On the other hand, there are few Edisons, Bells, Morses, Lands, or Wozniaks. When invention fails to rise to this exalted level, it is generally deemed anonymous, as if it dropped from the sky. Who knows that the zipper, paper clip, ballpoint pen, or, for that matter, the PET bottle, had creators? Myths and oversights continue to influence not only public memory about inventions, but the way history is understood and written.
Should not inventive genius be passed along in families, just like other forms of creativity? Once I started looking in earnest, I found tantalizing indications that inventive talent does pass down through at least a second generation, although it usually goes unrecognized. I cannot really say whether such talent owes more to genes or environment. It is almost certainly some combination of both.
Consider the famous 19th-century scientist Charles Darwin, who came from an extended family that was famously rich in scientists, inventors, poets, and philosophers. Son of a physician, his paternal grandfather was Erasmus Darwin, a leading medical authority who was offered—and declined—the position of personal physician to George III. In addition, Erasmus was a popular poet and natural philosopher, whose poems anticipated evolution and inspired Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. He was also a prolific inventor. Charles’s grandfather on his mother’s side was Josiah Wedgwood, founder of Wedgwood pottery and an inventor of ovens and revolutionary ceramic materials. Erasmus Darwin invented a horizontal windmill to power the Wedgwood factory; both Erasmus and Josiah were stalwarts of the Lunar Society of Birmingham, the famed group of scientists and businessmen that helped usher in the Industrial Revolution.
Invention continued to follow Charles Darwin when he joined the second voyage of the HMS Beagle between 1831 and 1836, on which he made the observations that would lead to his theory of natural selection. Admiral Robert Fitzroy, captain of the Beagle, brought aboard the latest inventions, including novel devices that measured ocean depth and wind speed. He invented the Fitzroy Barometer, which combined a standard mercury barometer along with a barometer, indicators of wind direction, and a guide to interpreting pressure changes. The simple mass-produced instrument enabled the mariner to make his own weather forecasts.
Thus, inventors and inventions surrounded Darwin throughout his life. When the Darwin and Wedgwood families merged they became a veritable breeding ground of innovation, yielding discoveries in science, art, and technology over at least three generations.
Darwin’s family history reinforces the hypothesis that science, invention, and art are simply disparate manifestations of the same creative energy. Tracking technological invention per se across generations has proven a more difficult task. Significant complicating factors more or less specific to invention can intervene or mask the inheritance.
First, invention arguably involves more social contingency than does science or even art or music. Unless an invention succeeds commercially, or in some other ways finds its social niche, it tends to vanish from memory and even from the historical record. In this respect, it is unlike a work of art, music, or science, where one can occasionally rummage through history’s dustbin to find previously neglected gems, which can be polished and presented anew. A scientific or artistic discovery can potentially count whether or not it received initial acceptance in society. Not so with invention, it seems. A noted inventor may produce inventive sons and daughters, but if the progeny fail to market their inventions, chances are their talents, however impressive, will go unrecognized.
If the family dynamic encouraged invention among the Darwins, it had a negative effect within the household of Thomas Alva Edison, the iconic inventor of the phonograph and electric light bulb. He seems to have cast more shadow than light on his own family’s future. This great inventor had a difficult relationship with his sons by Mary Stilwell, his first wife.
Tom Jr., who dreamed of inventing, grew to resent his famous and intimidating father. Although he felt he could never please his celebrated father, he tried to market the “new improved, Edison Junior light bulb,” but mostly his investors wanted only to see the Edison name. Tom Sr.’s demand that he stop leveraging the family name led to a final break between father and son, who then turned to chorus girls and drink.
The other son from his first marriage, William Leslie, designed a spark plug that had “the full approval of my father, Thomas A. Edison.” Any hopes that William might inherit the family mantle never materialized because of his poor business skills. Adding to his sons’ problems, Edison stubbornly refused to take them into his business, convinced that helping them would only make them lazy.
His sons by his second wife, Mina Miller, proved a different story, largely due to her strong-willed intervention. Son Theodore showed great technical ability. After attending MIT, he joined his father at the Edison labs, rising to the position of technical director. He eventually established his own successful R&D firm, Calibron.
Attitudes toward education appear to have made the difference between the sons from Edison’s two marriages. Notoriously suspicious of book learning and academia, Edison ensured that the children of his first marriage received as little formal learning as possible. Mina saw to it that her sons, Charles and Theodore, received formal schooling. Both went to MIT and enjoyed far more satisfying professional careers than did their older half-brothers.
While Edison’s resistance to helping family members arguably stood in the way of his sons’ success, even thriving family businesses can pose hazards to young inventive talent. The entrepreneurial Kellogg family is a case in point. In the 1890s, John Harvey Kellogg was superintendent of the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan. A deeply religious man, he advocated the health ideas of his Seventh Day Adventist faith. Together with his brother, William Keith (W.K.) Kellogg, he invented special health breads for his patients.
According to an often-told tale, the brothers accidentally left the bread dough out one night. They tried rolling the stale dough the next day into bread loaves, but found that it flaked into small pieces. Rather than throwing the flakes away, John Harvey Kellogg fed them to his patients, who loved them. This marked the discovery of Toasted Wheat Flakes breakfast cereal. Such accidental invention by prepared minds is a well-recognized phenomenon. The brothers applied what they discovered by chance to corn and rice with continued success.
The Kellogg brothers eventually had a bitter falling out that led to nasty litigation. When they split, W.K. Kellogg took over the company, soon giving the world Kellogg’s Cornflakes. John Harvey Kellogg tried to start a rival firm, but could not compete. So the inventive spirit lived on, but only after the destruction of the fraternal partnership—hardly a passing of the torch.
W.K. Kellogg brought his son, John L., into the business. Although John showed some initial success as an inventor of new cereal processes, his father pushed him out of the company after he dared to buy an oat mill, an ill-advised move in a corn-, rice-, and wheat-based company. W.K. then tried to pass the business directly to his grandson, John Jr., when the boy was only 14, but eventually banished him as well, though the circumstances are not clear. We will never know what he might have accomplished. Reminiscent of the famed Edison ego, it has been said that there was no house or company big enough to hold two male Kelloggs.
As we have seen, the transfer of invention across succeeding generations involves myriad contingencies, not the least of which are intra- and cross-generational frictions. Both the Edisons and Kelloggs raised several would-be inventors, but only one of the offspring, Theodore Edison, was an unqualified success, thanks in large part to the efforts of his mother. Paternal sabotage helped do in all the other Edison and Kellogg inventors. Art, science, and invention interacted synergistically among the Darwin-Wedgwoods. But, in the case of Nat Wyeth, the family bent for painting and music—a Wyeth was expected to be an artist—worked both for and against the aspirations of its sole inventor.
An overly controlling parent can easily undermine inventive children, who need space to blossom. Later-born children, who tend to rebel from parental authority, benefit most from support structures external to the family framework. The younger Edisons, from the inventor’s second family, obtained this outside support in universities, such as MIT. Nat Wyeth found a creative foothold and perhaps safe harbor from family turmoil at DuPont.
In sum, inventors are not only born but also made, and, as illustrated by the examples given, family dynamics can make or break a future inventor. My encounter with Nat Wyeth showed that an aspiring inventor can not only survive but thrive once he learns to navigate the turbulent waters of a creative family. These few illustrative examples suggest some of the barrier to cross-generational invention. I have a strong suspicion that, absent such hurdles, invention can be, and is, successfully passed down.
Perhaps future research into U.S. patent records will uncover some especially productive familial lines, rescuing invention from complete anonymity. Only then will history catch up with the actual record, and perhaps, eventually, the public with history. The Nat I encountered in Wilmington may then be remembered not as the Wyeth who doesn’t paint, but as the Wyeth who invents.
Arthur Molella is the director of The Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention & Innovation at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. He would like to thank the Center for Family Enterprises at the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management for first soliciting a paper from him on this topic.
Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008
Aplikasi Paten di Indonesia Baru 6%
Jakarta - Kesadaran untuk mempatenkan produk di Indonesia masih terbilang rendah. Saat ini baru 6-7% jumlah produk yang dipatenkan, padahal target idealnya 10%.
"Jumlah aplikasi paten saat ini baru mencapai 6-7% sedangkan idealnya mencapai 10%," kata Dirjen Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI), Andy N Sommeng.
Hal itu diungkapkan Andy dalam acara seminar sehari peranan informasi paten dalam mengatasi krisis energi di Hotel Sultan, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Kamis (14/8/2008).
Andy menduga, minimnya jumlah barang yang dipatenkan karena lamanya proses mematenkan barang. "Untuk proses paten suatu barang mencapai 5 tahun," ujarnya.
Saat ini tercatat 60.000 daftar tunggu barang-barang yang akan dipatenkan di seluruh dunia, yang dari jumlah tersebut sebanyak 4.000 akan mematenkan di Indonesia (HKI). Dari jumlah 4.000 barang yang akan dipatenkan hanya 10% inventor atau penemu Indonesia dan sisanya orang asing.
Untuk lebih menyosialisasikan hak paten tersebut Timnas HKI telah menyusun suatu draf dan telah diberikan ke Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Draf itu mengenai kebijakan nasional yang menyangkut kekayaan intelektual.
"Hak paten sendiri dilindungi selama 20 tahun untuk teknologi tingkat tinggi, sedangkan teknologi sederhana hanya 10 tahun," katanya.
Setelah 20 tahun maka teknologi yang sudah dipatenkan menjadi public domain (milik umum). Saat ini tercatat 6 juta paten yang sudah menjadi public domain di seluruh dunia. (ir/ddn)
(Sumber: DetikFinance)
Senin, 09 Juni 2008
Pemahaman Transaksi HKI (IP Transaction)
Intitusi yang dimaksud adalah aspek hukum, norma-norma, social values, dan lain sebagainya. Saya ingin meng-highlight salah satu aspek yang berdiam di pilar institution ini yaitu HKI, atau istilah asingnya Intelectual Property disingkat IP atau IPR. Karena HKI adalah produk hukum, maka pemerintah berperan penting. Tanpa pemerintah, tidak ada undang-undang, tidak ada HKI. Apakah lawyers yang bergerak dibidang HKI bisa melindungi anda bila tidak ada undang-undang yang dibuat pemerintah tentang HKI? tentu tidak bisa.
Kebanyakan orang hanya tahu satu dimensi saja dari HKI yaitu proteksi. Tetapi bila kita tidak tahu nilai potensi apa sebenarnya dalam proteksi tersebut, maka motivasi untuk kearah perlindungan HKI tidak akan maksimal. Proteksi bila tidak memiliki nilai komersial (commercialization) mungkin kurang maksimal. Bila ada nilai komersial, berarti harus ada transaksi. Bagaimana menangani transaksi HKI? Nah, disini ada seminar di Silicon Valley yang bisa anda simak tentang peranan IP Transaction dalam bidang yang hitech, karena ada sub sektor dari Industri Kreatif yang terkait dengan higtech seperti software (piranti lunak), beberapa area pada desain dan juga R&D. Abstraknya sebagai berikut:
Tech LawForumSanta Clara, CAOct 25th, 2006
A panel discussion with Rick Frenkel of Cisco as moderator, Joe Chernesky of IPotential, Phil Hartstein of Ocean Tomo, and David Smith of Tynax speak on the topic of IP Transactional Intermediaries: Who are they and what do they do?
Companies have emerged that offer a variety of specialized services to facilitate the high tech companies' IP valuation as well as purchase and sale of IP assets. This event was co-sponsored with Licensing Executives Society - Silicon Valley Chapter.
Selamat menyimak.
Minggu, 11 Mei 2008
Ekonomi Kreatif di Indonesia Menarik Perhatian Bill Gates
Menurut John Howkins, penulis buku The Creative Economy, industri software termasuk pada subsektor Industri Kreatif. Dalam sudut pandang statistik, Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia mengkategorikan software sebagai Layanan Komputer dan Piranti Lunak. WTO mengkategorikannya sebagai CRS (Computer Related Services).
Baiklah, kita tunggu langkah kongkrit Mr. Gates untuk Indonesia.
Rabu, 16 April 2008
Berbagai Sudut Pandang Tentang Ekonomi Kreatif dan Industri Kreatif
A. Terminologi Dasar
Creative Industry: Berdasarkan referensi dari luar negeri: Creatives Industries as those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill & talent, and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property. This includes: advertising, architecture, the art and antiques market, crafts, design , designer fashion, film and video, interactive leisure software, music, the performing arts, publishing, software and computer services, television & radio.
Dari definisi ini Departemen Perdangangan RI mencari tahu lebih jauh bagaimana cara menghitungnya, maka didapati salah satu metoda penghitungan dengan cepat dengan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu berbasis KBLI (data dari BPS). Dari situ didapati ada 14 subsektor yang bisa diserap angka-angka kotribusi ekonominya. Namun data dari BPS tidak cukup, sehingga pemetaan yang dilakukan oleh Departemen Perdagangan, mencari juga dari data lain seperti dari Asosiasi, publikasi dimedia dan interview.
Definisi creativity, skill, talent:
- Creativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts
- A Skill is the ability or talent to perform a task well or better than average
- Talent is a personal gift/skill
Economy vs economics
An economy is the system of human activities related to the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services .
Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.:The term 'economics' is from the Greek for oikos (house) and nomos (custom or law), hence "rules of the house(hold)."
A definition that captures much of modern economics is that of Lionel Robbins in a 1932 essay: "the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses." Scarcity means that available resources are insufficient to satisfy all wants and needs. Absent scarcity and alternative uses of available resources, there is no economic problem. The subject thus defined involves the study of choices as they are affected by incentives and resources.
industry or sector (from Latin industrius, "diligent, industrious ") is the manufacturing of a good or service within a category.
There are four key sectors of industry: the primary sector, largely raw material extraction industries such as mining and farming; the secondary sector, involving refining and manufacturing; the tertiary sector, which deals with services (such as law and medicine) and distribution of manufactured goods; and the quaternary sector, a relatively new type of industry focussing on technological research, design and development such as computer programming and biochemistry.
In economics and urban planning, industry is a synonym for the secondary sector, which is a type of economic activity involved in the manufacturing of raw materials into goods and products.
Creative Economy
Ada juga pendapat yang menyatakan ekonomi kreatif sama dengan industri kreatif (klik) dan (klik). Ada pula yang mencoba untuk mengartikan sebagai berikut:Riset oleh New England Foundation of the Arts (NEFA) menyebutkan: Therefore, our definition of the creative economy is represented by the ‘cultural core.’ It includes occupations and industries that focus on the production and distribution of cultural goods, services and intellectual property. Excluded are products or services that are the result of non-culturallybased innovation or technology. While a broader notion of the creative economy is valuable to examine, we concentrate on what could be considered the cultural component of the creative economy. The occupations and industries we include in this cultural component are listed in the Appendix (document: click).
The center circle, labeled “Cultural Core,” represents NEFA’s new research defi nition and is nested within a broader circle of creative industries. The band around the core labeled “Cultural Periphery” represents the occupation and industry categories that may be added to the core to customize a particular local creative economy study being done.
B. Creative Industry vs Creative Economy
Jika direnungkan berdasarkan makna katanya, maka berdasarkan literatur yg diperoleh di atas, dapat dicoba untuk mengambil kesimpulan atas beberapa pemahaman dasar:
- Industri pada dasarnya tidak hanya berfokus kepada produksi dari barang atau jasa, tetapi juga terhadap distribusi, pertukaran (sales, komersialisasi) serta konsumsi dari barang dan jasa (lihat kelompok industri menurut wikipedia). Hanya saja industri selalu dikaitkan dengan pabrikasi atau manufaktur (secondary industry), karena pada era industrialisasi ditandai dengan perkembangan secara dramatis dari industri manufaktur ini.
- Industri merupakan bagian dari ekonomi, atau bisa dikatakan industri merupakan segmentasi dari ekonomi (dalam upaya manusia untuk memilah-milah aktivitas ekonomi secara lebih mendetil).
- Industri dapat dibedakan menjadi sektor-sektor utama (versi wikipedia ada 4 sektor utama, kalau berdasarkan BPS ada 9 sektor utama), yang mendasari pembagian lapangan usaha. Kelompok industri kreatif ini (misalnya: musik, periklanan, arsitektur, dll) akan memiliki lapangan usaha yang merupakan bagian dari beberapa sektor industri. Sebagian besar dari lapangan usaha industri kreatif ini merupakan industri jasa. Contoh: Kerajinan akan terdiri dari sektor industri pengolahan (kode: 171-361) dan kelompok sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran (369-525)
Berdasarkan kontemplasi ini, maka:
Jika kita bicara tanpa melihat kelompok industrinya: seperti periklanan, arsitektur, dll, kita dapat menyebutnya sebagai ekonomi kreatif (melihat secara totalitas). Sedangkan jika kita spesifik bicara mengenai kelompok industrinya seperti periklanan, arsitektur, dll, maka sebaiknya kita menyebutkan sebagai kelompok industri atau industri jika kita lebih spesifik lagi berbicara industri yang ada di dalam kelompok industri tersebut. Contoh jika kita bicara kelompok industri kreatif kerajinan, maka didalamnya akan terdapat industri furniture, industri batik, industri jasa perdagangan eceran, besar, ekspor, dan industri –industri lainnya. Jadi ibarat berbicara sistem dan subsistem.
Universe dari ekonomi kreatif menurut definisi Departemen Perdagangan hingga saat ini, maka akan meliputi seluruh industri yang termasuk dalam 14 kelompok industri yang sudah diidentifikasikan.
Universe dari kelompok industri kreatif , adalah industri-industri yang menjadi bagian dari kelompok industri kreatif tersebut. Kelompok terkecilnya adalah industri itu sendiri, misal: industri jasa periklanan, industri batik, industri furniture. Hal ini yang coba sesuaikan dengan pendekatan KBLI (klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia)
Beberapa usulan dari Focus Group Discussion yang dilakukan Departemen Perdagangan bulan April lalu:
Ada usulan sebaiknya dibedakan antara ekonomi kreatif dengan industri kreatif. Ekonomi kreatif belum tentu industri kreatif karena ekonomi kreatif juga menghitung aktifitas perdagangan domestik maupun ekspor dari produk-produk kreatif. Industri kreatif sudah tentu ekonomi kreatif karena didalam setiap industri kreatif selalu terdapat proses penciptaan dan atau ada aktivitas R&D. Kekuatan industri kreatif ada pada R&D dan komersialisasi (marketing).
Usulan tersebut lebih melihat dari aktivitas yang dilakukan. Keyword: Sektor, kelompok industri kreatif , industri kreatif , ekonomi kreatif Sektor = 9 sektor utama BPS (industri pengolahan; Pertanian, peternakan, Kehutanan dan perikanan; Perdagangan, hotel dan Restoran; dll). Kelompok industri kreatif = 14 kelompok industri kreatif yang sudah diidentifikasikan dalam studi.
Industri kreatif (versi Departemen Perdagangan RI) mengacu pada definisi: "Industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill & talent, and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property", contoh: industri batik, industri jasa arsitektur, industri jasa periklanan."
Ekonomi kreatif = keseluruhan dari industri kreatif, yaitu seluruh industri yang tercakup dalam kelompok industri kreatif.
Sudut pandang ini membutuhkan banyak masukkan dari semua pemangku kepentingan, khususnya kaitannya dengan Undan-undang No.5/1984 tentang Perindustrian.
- industry,
- .
- The Creative Economy: The New Definition” A research framework for New England and beyond, including aneconomic analysis of New England’s cultural industries and workforce”, New England Foundation for the Arts,2007, Douglas DeNatale, Ph.D., Gregory H.Wassal,Ph.D. (click)
- Focus Group Discussion yang dilakukan di Departemen Perdagangan RI, April 2008. Mengundang Akademisi, Praktisi dan Pemerintah dari departemen terkait.
- Undang Undang no. 5/1984 tentang Perindustrian (klik).
- Undang-Undang No. 31 Th 2000 Tentang Desain Industri (klik)